Friday, 24 January 2014

One step further in the quest

Fri 24th: So today I got one step further towards along the long path to finding a pair of ski boots that don't make my feet cry.

I'd been toying around with the idea of getting a touring boot for months and pretty much narrowed my search down to a set of either the Dynafit Vulcans or Mercurys. Unfortunately I passed up a couple of really good deals on them off Chamshare as I wasn't sure that they would work for me without a lot of help from a bootfitter.

Went down to Sanglard and had a chat with Jules to discuss whether he'd be able to make them work for my feet. With a little help from the trusty Fischer Vacuum fit machine I left an hour and a half later with my new boots - the Mercurys. Hats off to Jules, he was really helpful, informative and a pleasure to be fitted by.

In the end I decided not to spring the extra 200E for the Vulcans for a little bit more stiffness. With hindsight it might have been a better option but we will see... If they do work I can always get another set hah.

So much for my self control...

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