11th-18th Dec: My backdoor neighbour in Guildford of the last 13+ years, Jonny, (make what you will of that) and his mate James came out to stay with us for an early season visit. Picked them up from the airport for the first transfer of the year. Work was quiet at the time so we had a lot of time to hang out, ski and drink with them.
Charlie and I took them up GM on their first day back on skis in years. They were both hesitant but after 1 lap of the painfully slow 2 man chair and 1 park chair we took them up Bochard. Both skied it happily so we carried on lapping it. Dinner, introduced them to happy hour, cards, screaming orgasms (a rather tasty cocktail). Good day.
On Saturday we tried the 20 euros happy hour challenge, pretty self explanitory. 2 pitchers of Mutzig each for 11E in an hour and we were a little merry... Jon rolled in the snow naked - his punishment for losing at cards. Double Midnight burger for dinner. Heavenly. Jon, James and I went back for cocktails but Charlie went home ill (already was). 3 Cocktails later I'd completed the challenge. The other two went back home and I met up with Liam (and basically every other seasonairre in Cham) in Terasse. Great night, farrrr too drunk. Next day I felt so horrendous that a quiet coke down the pub at 10pm became a danger coke.
Had a nice chilled out day up at Brevent on Monday. Snow was way better than GM and less rocks poking through. Went up the top station for the view it was closed for skiing.
Charlie, Me, James, Jon up Brevent top bubble |
First Midnight of the season |
Jon's first Midnight burger |
First MBC |
Poor delicious chickens |
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