Monday, 14 April 2014

Petit Flambeau and Aiguille du Toule

Mon 14th: Ryan and Jim had decided on this route so I jumped on the bandwagon. We skied down some seriously windswept boilerplate and then skinned up to the Italian side. From here we switched to crampons and scrambled up the arête all the way to the top of the Petit Flambeau. A nice - not too technical - route with big holds, but exposed none the less.
First route: from the col lower centre to the peak top right

Jim and I skinning

Following Jim to the summit

We traversed and skied down to the bowl below the Aiguille du Toule as we were heading up its West face to the summit. I told the others to go on ahead as my binding had a block of sheet ice in it. Spent 10 minutes working it out with my pole ends. Eventually got moving and followed up as fast as I could. Met them at the bootpack of the West face (~40-45 degrees). Bootpacked up quickly, left our kit on a plateau then headed up to the summit.
Peak two on the left and our powder exit
Ryan approaching the peak

After kitting up we skied down the same face. It was pretty scoured but nice as there was no real exposure. From the base we found some beautiful powder for 500m+ transitioning into heavy wind/sun-crust. We then just followed the long traverse down the Italian side with the snow changing from bulletproof moguls to nice corn. The way out was easy and I was down with plenty of time for work.

Great morning!

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