Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Dust on crust

Tues 27th: Le Tour - 20cm dust on crappy previous layer

Chucked all my ski stuff in the van and was able to make Le Tour straight from work at 9:30 to meet Rasmus and others. Opening had been delayed so I was only two runs behind. We went straight over to the back side and headed skier's right of Tête de Balme. Snow was deep in places and crap in others, varying every turn. Followed the others onto the front bowl. 20cm of champagne snow on top of crappy crust.
The occasional face shot finding a deep spot

Lapped right by the Plan des Reines drag for mostly good snow with crap occasionally in between. Did two quick laps under the Tête de Balme for a few powder turns. Still, it was nothing special so I headed home to do some odd jobs I had been putting off. Bit of an anticlimax, oh well. Probably partially to do with being knackered from work.
Visibility was shifting but good generally

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